Document.css example

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6 (who needs this anyway?)

Paragraph, containing text with different styles such as bold, italic, bold italic, and also inline elements as code, link, quote, Key and .

Paragraph, separated with previous paragraph by horisontal line.

  1. Ordered list element 1
  2. Ordered list element 2
  3. Ordered list element 3 with sublist
    • Unordered sublist element 1
    • Unordered sublist element 2
    • Unordered sublist element 3
// Code section with highlightjs syntax highlight

console.log('Hello World!');
example image
figure with image and figcaption
figcaption for button
Table column 2 column 3
row 2 cell cell
row 3 cell cell


The guide of Document.css can be found here.